If you want to give your child a truly fun option for playing, you should consider a cubby house. Kids can use even a small shed or tent as their cubby house, but there are plenty of options on the market to pimp their cubby and they would enjoy spending hours there.
The many options available in a cubby house makes it a little daunting to find just the right one for your child and this requires a little research and basic preparations.
Here are a few tips.
1. Safety
While choosing any toy, safety of your kid should be your prime concern. In case of a cubby house, you can consider an open faced cubby which means you can always keep an eye on your children and they too can see you.
Preferably choose large play areas and strong lines, and no nooks and crannies to reduce the possibility of getting caught and injured. Also choose stairs at a 30-degree angle rather than the regular 45-degree angle to minimise falls.
Choose an Australian made cubby that adheres to Australian standards.
2. Designs and Colours
When you will consider design for your kid’s cubby house, you will get numerous options. There are unique cottage styles and fort styles available, and don’t get me started on all of the optional additions! Plus there are so many colours available either pre-painted or paint at home, ensure that the colour you choose will stand the test of time in the Australian sun
3. Quality
When your child is going to use a thing, quality should be your priority. The materials should be of high quality and the construction should be perfect. One of the best options to consider is Australian timber. They are designed to be durable and sturdy, and so, are perfect for any outdoor space and environmental conditions.
A cheaper alternative to timber cubby houses is plastic cubbies. They too provide a lot of fun to children while staying within a budget. However, they are not as durable as wooden cubbies and can get damaged by weather.
4. Size
The cubby you are considering should be of appropriate size for your child’s age. Also you should consider its location while choosing the size. Measure the space available and think on which size would fit in the best.
If you are going to set the cubby in your backyard, you won’t certainly want it to take most of the space in your garden, neither would you want a too small cubby that your kid may not enjoy. So, first decide the location and space in that location where you would like to erect the cubby house.
5. Add-ons
You can make fun additions to your kid’s cubby house such as swings, slides, curtains, toy furniture, toy kitchen and monkey bars.
Consider these points and you will have the best cubby house which you will be proud of and the kids will love! Visit our display at Dalyston to see options for your cubby house.